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Allianz Real Estate

Allianz Real Estate


Numer telefonu:  +49 302 123 435 

Allianz Real Estate is one of the world's leading property investment and asset managers. Under the strategic management of the holding in Munich and Paris, country branches are locally responsible for the operative management in their market regions. Through this, Allianz Real Estate is able to secure its long term local presence in the key markets of the future. The goal hereby is the development and management of a globally diversified and centrally managed real estate portfolio on behalf of the Allianz investors. Buy-Manage-Sell The 450 real estate specialists of Allianz Real Estate follow an active Buy-Manage-Sell strategy as part of their professional portfolio management. The close proximity of the country branches to the most important markets and customers enables them to acquire, at short notice, the suitable real estate for the portfolio, professionally manage this locally, and then sell at the best time. The investment and asset management companies in Germany and France and the office in Singapore show how successful local operative implementation can be. Allianz Real Estate Germany is responsible for the markets in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Eastern Europe and Scandinavia whilst Allianz Real Estate France is responsible for real estate business in France and the Benelux countries. The successive development of further operative country branches will be an important task for Allianz Real Estate in the coming years.


Mathias Gross

+00 493 021 435

Mathias Gross
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