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Celtic Property Development

Celtic Property Development


Celtic Property Development is a leading listed Polish property investor and developer having ca. 200, euro of direct property investment set against 14m of longterm debt. The company is based in Warsaw where it owns 75ha of urban land. Celtic also has a proven track record of asset management for external institutional investors and currently controls some 1.9m m2 of income. Celtic Property Developments S.A. is a holding company that controls a group of subsidiaries concentrated on development projects in the market segment of offices and apartments. The Company’s activity consists in purchase of lands, on which it constructs apartments or offices, and in purchase of existing real properties with a potential for creation of additional value by change of their intended usage, increase of their standard or optimisation of their area. The Company has offices in Warsaw, London, Milan and Budapest. The Company’s main market is Warsaw. It also possesses commercial and residential properties in Montenegro and Hungary. So far, the main role in the Capital Group’s business has been played by the offices segment, but at present the Company is concentrated on residential activity, mainly realisation of its key project in Ursus, a district of Warsaw.

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