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CA Immo Poland

CA Immobilien Anlagen AG Founded in 1987 and consistently developed into one of the leading property investment companies in Central Europe Invests in commercial property (focusing on offices and business hotels) in Austria, Germany and Eastern Europe Property holdings and project development in 14 countries Listed on the Vienna Stock Exchange since 1988 About 82 % in free float with private and institutional investors Business Areas Stock properties: acquisition and management of commercial properties with a medium to lang-term investment horizon Project development: planning, construction and marketing of commercial properties. Investment objective: incorporation in the company´s own stock properties or sale to third parties (as early as the concept stage or immediately after completion and letting) Strengths Internal management with many years of experience Excellent networking and strong partnerships with local property experts in the individual countries Strong equity capital base Well-balanced portfolio High-quality site reserves Practising transparency and corporate responsibility Mission Statement Our goal is to use property to create permanent assets that provide sustainable benefits to both shareholders and tenants. The focus of our everyday business, in addition to increasing the value of our properties, is on human requirements and meaningful use of resources. We concentrate on our core business, in which we are among Europe´s top players: the management and development of commercial properties in Germany, Austria and Eastern Europe. Our experience acquired over more than 20 years, our international network and the long-term strategic perspectives of CA Immo form the basis for achieving our goals. Our attitude to shareholders shows that the interests of our investors are central to the activities of all Group companies. More specifically, this means: discerning and defining the needs and demands of investors providing information in excess of basic requirements, thereby generating transparency valuing openness and integrity, demonstrating these qualities on a daily basis most importantly of all, practising a long-term and value-oriented approach in our business dealings rather than speculating for the short term Our strategy has always been based on strict compliance with corporate governance guidelines, never losing sight of these guiding principles. Corporate History Since 1987 the Vienna-based property company has been steadily building its structures and its portfolio. Since 1999 CA Immo has been investing in eastern Europe, branching into project development in eastern Europe two years later. To clarify the divison of regional business within the company, CA Immo underwent restructuring in 2006, establishing the subsidiary CA Immo International to manage it's eastern European property portfolio. As the company expanded in that region, it continued to build up property assets in Austria and Germany.

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