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Approximately 14 years ago we began gaining experience in the field of real estate investments. Due to the company’s active operation in this sector, rental and management of the company’s own buildings and premises became the main source of Dantex income. We own approximately 40 thousand m2 of modern office and commercial space located mainly in the Dantex Business Center at Płocka Street and in the district of Służewiec Przemysłowy in Warsaw, and in Katowice as well. We have inside information of our structures and investments. Having in mind their needs and requirements, we can manage them efficiently. Therefore, Dantex provides its structures and investments’ users with professional property management under the supervision of competent and experienced staff. Should you use our services, you may be assured that you work with well trained advisory staff. Moreover, it should be emphasised that despite a large number of developers operating on the market, Dantex still remains a most reputable company.


Andrzej Szepietowski

Agnieszka Adamczuk

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