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Adgar Investments & Development

Adgar Postępu Sp. z o.o. is a part of Adgar Investments & Development Ltd., well known and reputable international real estate company, active, among others, in such countries as Canada, Belgium, Israel and Poland. Adgar Investments & Development Ltd., a public company, listed in Tel Aviv stock exchange, is the real-estate division of the Zur Shamir group, a leading Israeli holding company with interests in the fields of finance, insurance and real estate. In 1994, Zur Shamir acquired Adgar Investments & Development Ltd., and transformed it into the group's property arm. From its very inception, Adgar Investments & Development Ltd. has enjoyed steady annual growth and consistent profitability. Adgar Investments & Development Ltd, is characterized by the following company's strengths: In-depth knowledge of the real estate market, particularly in those countries in which Adgar Investments & Development Ltd. operates Sound financial standing Streamlined team


Tomasz Stopka

Tomasz Stopka

Ewelina Nuszczyńska

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